Mimicking the legs of the grasshopper has demonstrated that the design can be used as many application such as locomotion of vehicles, bionic legs for humans etc. The motion of the grasshopper legs to accelerate at a very high velocity as a locomotion method to travel from one point to another and to design a mechanism to mimic the motion has been the most challenging. The leg is capable of storing energy when it contracts and it releases its energy when it jumps. The most interesting invention use of biomimicry of the grasshopper in this mini review is the study of the grasshopper legs. Nature has played a crucial role as many new inventions have been created based on the observation and things that are learn from nature for the comfort of human being. This could be very vital information that could be utilized for human as to improve or get new ideas regarding issues that are interrelated. This could be seen as insects and nature will inhibit certain characteristics and behavior in order to survive. In the field of biomimicry, engineers have been exploring solutions from the nature into their inventions. Keywords: biomimicry, grasshoppers, engineering design, actuator, robotic Introduction This mini review will introduce the anatomy of grasshopper and biomimicry of the grasshopper into various engineering designs. The actuator arms of robots mimics the legs of grasshopper which is capable of storing energy when it contracts. For example, the legs of a grasshopper have inspired robotic arms which are widely used in manufacturing vehicles. Grasshoppers have inspired many new engineering designs to help solve problems faced by humans. The wide area allows them to jump freely in any direction they want to search for food, shelter and also to mate and lay their eggs. Grasshoppers are commonly found in parks or gardens. These traits can be easily copied to give birth to all sorts of engineering ideas. Since evolution has taken place for a very long time on earth, learning from nature becomes interesting as the traits of organisms on planet earth have become so complex and refined. This helps organisms to have all sorts of interesting traits to survive various environments on different parts of earth. Evolution helps organisms adapt to its environment by various mechanisms including natural selection, genetic drift etc. For a start, the process of evolution is an interesting process to understand. Learning from nature has many advantages. Biomimicry is an engineering discipline to mimic traits of living organisms into engineering design.